Chegg Skills (Today)

Today, I lead marketing at Chegg Skills. We help companies develop the right talent with the right skills to improve job performance and unlock career mobility.

We partner with Fortune 1,000 employers to train their people in the latest technical and durable skills. Just recently, I created our inaugural Business Impact Report to demonstrate the return on investment in Chegg's upskilling programs.

At Chegg, I previously led growth for our tuition benefits partnerships and business design for early-stage product concepts for college students. This work contributed to new product directions now under widescale development.

Panorama Education (2014-2019)

I joined Panorama Education, an early-stage edtech company backed by Y-Combinator (YC'13) and Google Ventures, as the company's first marketing hire. I led our initial go-to market, brand, and product marketing as the company scaled.

I helped launch new products, directed customer documentaries and produced new data insights. Today, Panorama serves 15M+ students in thousands of K-12 schools nationwide.

Get to Know You Survey (2015)

While at Panorama, I led a team of engineers and educators to build the Get to Know You Survey. 100K+ students and teachers used the survey to discover their commonalities. We partnered with Harvard researchers whose findings were later featured on NPR's Hidden Brain.

Speech4Good (2011-2013)

While in college, I founded Speech4Good. Our mission was to help people (like me) with speech disorders access proven therapy tools. We built iOS apps that reached 25K+ users and raised seed funding. We were named one of Inc. Magazine's "Coolest College Startups."

Fluently (2012)

When building speech apps, I launched Fluently to visualize stuttering in real-time. The technical work proved more difficult than imagined, so our team sunsetted the project about a year later. It's still one of my favorites.